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Ten Year AnniversarY! But Who's Really Counting?


Everyone has a Beatles expert in their life, right? I've got a handful of them in mine. At one point in my life I was even the Beatles expert, but then I met Aidan and I happily conceded my position. He can recite the whole Beatles Anthology Documentary word for word so I didn't stand a chance. I'm sure someday I'll meet someone else who will take the role as Beatle expert in my life, as will Aidan. But as many Beatles experts as I have met, I still find there are discrepancies in some very basic Beatles trivia, such as what year did the Beatles become a band, and how long were they a band. (If you're screaming at the computer right now saying "the Beatles definitely formed in 1960 and lasted until 1970", well you might be right, but just bare with me for the sake of my point.) The formation of the Beatles should be common knowledge for anyone has ever strummed a guitar or sang along to every word on Rubber Soul, but we don't really know this and that is because we've never established the criteria for when a band actually becomes a band. Is it when they play their first show, put out a record, come to an agreement on how to end one song, disagree on how to end every song, fire their first drummer? I don't know. We don't know. And yeah, it doesn't really matter.

Alberta Rose Theater in Portland, Oregon. One of the last in person shows we played in 2020.

It's a little unclear on the year we officially became a band. Jamie and I started playing around town in 2010 but it took a few months before we started calling ourselves The Coffis Brothers. Don't ask why it took us months to come up with that name, but it just didn't occur to us. (The first show poster we have lists us as Jamie & Kellen Coffis. It's an apt description, sure, but I think we landed on a better name.) In 2011 we recorded and released our first album. At that point we had a handful of full band shows under our belts and by the Summer of 2011, gigging became a more regular thing for us. So for all of those reasons I hereby declare that the formation of The Coffis Brothers was in 2011 and NOT 2010. I can see you doing the math right now. That's right. If we formed in 2011, then 2021 marks our tenth year as a band! We couldn't have 2020 be our ten year anniversary, right? 2020 didn't deserve that. So if 2021 marks our tenth year then that must mean we have our longest, biggest, most extensive tour planned, right? Well, not exactly, but we'll get back to that at some point. Tour or not, we would like to acknowledge our ten years as a band somehow, so throughout the year we'll be highlighting some of the more important and significant moments, shows, people, vehicles, stories, and more from our first ten years as a band.

We say it every year but we really appreciate the support we received this last year. 2020 was tough on everyone, including us, but we feel really grateful to still be a band, and to have fan's and friend's support. Thanks for sticking with us in 2020 and we hope, more than anything, to see you in 2021.

Here's some pictures from the last ten years.

2011 Gadgetbox Studios, Santa Cruz during the recording of 'The Coffis Brothers & the Mountain Men'

2012 Roaring Camp, Felton following our set at the Redwood Mountain Faire.

2013 Gadgetbox Studios real late one night during the recording of 'Wrong Side of The Road.' Jamie and Kellen wearing Henry and Kyle's leather jackets. We thought it would make a funny picture. It sorta did.'

2014 Fillmore green room in San Francisco following our set opening for Poor Man's Whiskey.

2015 Post-show outside The Catalyst in Santa Cruz with Charlie Starr of Blackberry Smoke. (You can see our van, Gretschen in the background).

2016 On the roof of Barefoot Studios in Hollywood during the recording of 'Roll With It'

2017 Denver, Colorado Henry's farewell show.

2018 Castoro Cellars, Templeton, California.

Bethel Road Distillery, Templeton, Ca following a video shoot for the Bethel Road Live Sessions.

2020 Fairfax at Tim Bluhm's house for a live stream.

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