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The Crepe Place- 4/20 (w/ Jim Lewin!)

Kellen Coffis

Has your thirst for some rock and roll left you with cotton mouth? Do you find that you’ve developed an insatiable hunger for electric guitar? Do you keep losing your keys? The answer for two out of three of those dilemmas can be solved by going to The Crepe Place this weekend. Saturday, 4-20 is the date, really easy to remember, regardless of the after effects of any habits you may have.

We’re really honored to have Jim Lewin and his band opening for us! Definitely not an everyday occurrence. If we’re really lucky we’ll have him play a couple of songs with us.

Vrooom!! Poster by Yasamine June

This is going to be a special night, even more so than those brownies in the oven. The joint is going to be packed, considering it’s just a stoner’s throw away from bustling downtown Santa Cruz. Weed be so happy if you came, plus did I mention Jim Lewin is opening? You’d have to out of your gourd to puff puff pass on this one, to be blunt. So get up off that bean bag chair, throw on your favorite pair of birkenstocks and zig zag yourself down to the Crepe Place. Also, bongs.

Hey we’re playing this friday (4/19) as well at the Kuumbwa Jazz center as part of “A Tribute to Bob Dylan.”

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