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Hot Seat Challenge – Mad Dog 357

Kellen Coffis

We have gone to great, some might even say extreme, lengths to play our music and to have our music heard. While recording our album at Barefoot Studios we went to even greater, or perhaps extremer lengths for our music. With the recent release of You Ain’t Got The Heart, we present you with The Coffis Brothers & the Mountain Men- Hot Seat Challenge.

During our seven day stint at Barefoot Recording Studios in Hollywood we frequented a nearby burrito stand in the mornings. While scouring the Barefoot kitchen for hot sauce we encountered a certain Mad Dog 357 hot sauce. This wasn’t just your normal hot sauce. This was Mad Dog’s Silver Collector’s Edition that weighs in with a whopping 750,00 scoville units. What’s a scoville, you may be asking? We’re still not really sure, but from our research 750,000 of them is a lot. As a gift to the studio from Nickel Creek’s, Chris Thile, we thought it was only right that we try some of this hot sauce while playing one of the songs we were recording. This is the result of that attempt. We promise you that we are not acting. We are not “hamming” it up for the cameras. This is our most genuine, sincere, real reaction to eating this hot sauce. For the pain we put ourselves through we really hope you enjoy this video. That’s why we made it.

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