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Shirts For change


Updated: Jul 15, 2020

With your help and the help of Blue Rose Music we were able to raise $2,100 in three weeks and make donations of $700 to the Black Futures Lab, The Conscious Kid, and the Know Your Rights Camp. We encourage you to check out these organizations (as well as the many other) that are helping in the fight for racial justice and to continue to follow them and their missions.

We will be mailing out the remaining shirt orders this week so expect to receive yours soon if you haven’t already. Thanks again for your support.

Jun 8 - Each week we will be donating the proceeds to a different charitable organization that are promoting and helping assist in the achievement of racial justice. All proceeds raised will be matched by Blue Rose Music.

June 22 - This week proceeds will go towards Know Your Rights Camp. Here is their mission statement:

Our mission is to advance the liberation and well-being of Black and Brown communities through education, self-empowerment, mass-mobilization and the creation of new systems that elevate the next generation of change leaders.

Jun 15 - This week's proceeds will be going towards The Conscious Kid. Here is their missions statement:

The Conscious Kid is an education, research and policy organization dedicated to reducing bias and promoting positive identity development in youth. We partner with organizations, children’s museums, schools, and families across the country to promote access to children’s books centering underrepresented and oppressed groups.

June 8 - This week's proceeds from sales go towards Black Futures Lab. Here is Black Futures Lab's mission statement:

Black Futures Lab works with Black people to transform our communities, building Black political power and changing the way that power operates—locally, statewide, and nationally.

s to which organization we will be donating to each week. All the proceeds made between June 8th-14th will go directly to Black Future Labs. We will be keeping you updated a

If you would like to donate directly to Black Futures Lab you can do that here:

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